How To Get Involved/Puede Particpar
We are currently recruiting 7th, 8th, and 9th grade participants for phase 1 of our project. If your family is interested in participating, please email for more information on how to sign up.
Students who are in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade this 2024-2025 school year are eligible to participate in this study.
Research Opportunity for Students. Have fun! Help Science! Looking for 7th to 9th graders to solve math problems, compare figures, and explain their thinking. Students will complete four sessions on zoom. Participating families will receive $50 in gift cards! To participate, please contact This research study is part of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research in the School of Education at UW-Madison and the Mathematics Education Learning & Development Lab. Learn more about our research at:
Oportunidad de investigación para estudiantes. ¡Divertirse! ¡Ayuda a la ciencia! Se busca que alumnos de 7º a 9º grado resuelvan problemas de matemáticas, comparen cifras y expliquen su razonamiento. Los estudiantes completarán cuatro sesiones en zoom. ¡Las familias participantes recibirán $50 en tarjetas de regalo! Para participar, comuníquese con Este estudio de investigación es parte del Centro de Investigación Educativa de Wisconsin en la Facultad de Educación de UW-Madison y el Laboratorio de Desarrollo y Aprendizaje de Educación Matemática. Obtenga más información sobre nuestra investigación en: